The Photo Corner

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So what's this all about?

This website is a friendly and safe space to share your photos, vote for photos in unique weekly photo galleries and chat with others who share the same excitment of photography as you do. So if you were yearning for a platform to share your love for photography with others then yearn no more this is exactly where you want to be. Consider this website a virtual book club that can you choose to escape to at your leisure. The greatest benefit of this virtual space is that you can attend any time in your busy life without the pressure of arriving to a real club meeting on time, There is always at least a few people active in our chatroom at all times of the day even for any nightowls out there. Voting for other users submissions can also be done at anytime. So welcome to the club!

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Site template courtesy of Verti, a free and fully responsive HTML5 site template by HTML5 UP. Verti is released under the Creative Commons Attribution license

This sight is for educational purposes only

Images Courtesy Of pixabay


JavaScript Courtesy of Mike Mcgrath on Javascript Kit

For more information, please email: Gavin